
A whole lot of la-ti-da...

It's yet again another day of no work here at Sun, and while I rather enjoy getting paid to do nothing, I am simply not creative enough to entertain myself at a computer for eight full hours. I wonder if I just sneak out and come back at leaving time if anyone would even notice? Chances are, probably not, but then I would be stuck at home doing the very same thing I am doing here. Only difference would be I could be in my pajamas. Speaking of pajamas, I do miss my pajamas. It seems ever since I started dating this Mack kid I have not spent enough time in my pajamas because apparently it's not proper etiquette to go out in public on a date with a pair of pink fuzzy slippers and heart printed shorts on. Good thing my mother knows about these kinds of things.

Apparently, having a social life also means neglecting your pajama duties, I had no idea. I just hope all this dating pans out to be worth it, if not I am going to be very upset about all that lost time I could have spent wearing my pajamas, drinking jasmine tea, and read a really bad book.

Geeze, no wonder I have no life.


Historical Wit said...

HOld up, who says you can't wear pajamas all over the place? Have you been in a college class lately? Personally I like to wear pajamas to the grocery store. People always stare. If I throw in the heart printed shorts, I wold be the talk of my town.

Weenit said...

I'm quite sure the grocery store was made so people could go out and about in their pajamas. But I don't spend a whole lot of time in the grocery store, I spend it in a big office, where pajamas are widely frowned upon. And on a date over a few martinis isn't it considered etiquette to put on some real pants?

Historical Wit said...

On a date, pants can be optional.