
Personal trainers and flu vaccinations...

I took the kid to get his annual flu vaccination today, and let me tell you, there is nothing that will lower my confidence more than watching this. It makes me feel like such a baby when he gets his shot, he sits there extra calm, watches the nurse stab him in the arm while I am so sick to my stomach just knowing it's happening. He didn't try to cry, run away, or convince anyone he didn't need a flu shot. He just sat there, and when it was all over he informed us it hurt with a smirk on his face and went on his way. Next it's my turn, oh god.... Can I procrastinate on this till next year? Or maybe the year after? Or the year after that?

On a quite possibly more positive note, I meet with Brandon from the Anti-gym to hire him as my personal trainer. I'm super excited about this, in part because I have never had a personal trainer, but also because the Anti-gym uses non-traditional methods to change habits as well as bodies, and if you know me you know I am not very traditional. They do things like throw cupcakes at you when you're slacking at the gym, handcuff you to the bicycle if you try to stop your cardio before time is up, keep a public list on who is or isn't following their diet plan, and they even keep track of your attendance to see if you are slacking...

I hope I can make it through the first week...

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